Pablo Sazo

Web Developer

What's your company role? Web developer

What do you do at Gloo? I basically turn the mockup I receive from the designer into an actual website.

What are your credentials/experience for working in your position? Back in Chile, I originally studied graphic design. But in my long years as a freelancer, necessity mutated me into a web designer/developer.

What’s been one of your best professional accomplishments? If I had, I wouldn't say.

What do you like about working at Gloo? I love working in a creative environment and being able to play a small part in making a client happy.

What are the values that drive you? Love, honesty, integrity. At least those are my goals.

What’s your favourite quote? “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”

What are your top 3 favourite podcasts/books? I don't listen to podcasts at all and I am a terrible reader, but I love books like “Where The Wild Things Are”, “Green Eggs And Ham”, “The Gruffalo”  and “Old Hat, New Hat”.

What are your hobbies and interests? I used to draw a lot when I was a kid. In my teenage years I played the guitar a lot. If I had any spare time I’d like to do those things again.

What are your favourite travel destinations? Panitao, Southern Chile. A very Tasmania-like place 

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